


Démarrer un nouveau screen nommé

screen -S nom

Détacher le screen

ctrl+a ctrl+d

Lister les screens

screen -ls

Réattacher un screen

screen -r nom

Renommer un screen

screen -S <old_name> -X sessionname <new_name>

Commandes diverses

Command         Description
-------         -----------
Ctrl+a, ?       Show built in help
Ctrl+a, c       Create a new screen
Ctrl+a, Ctrl+a  Cycle through screens (just hold Ctrl down, type aa)
Ctrl+a, n       Cycle through screens (Next screen)
Ctrl+a, Ctrl+n  Another cycle through screens
Ctrl+a, S       Split the screen (note the capital S)
Ctrl+a, X       Close the split screen you are currently in (note capital X)
Ctrl+a, tab     Switch between split screens
Ctrl+a, d       Detach from screen session
Ctrl+a, [       Start copy (see below)
Ctrl+a, ]       Paste (see below)


Voir aussi : Documentation d’Ubuntu.

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